Vor vielen Jahren hat meine Faszination für den menschlichen Schädel begonnen und immer wieder habe ich Abbildungen in Form von Schädelfotografien und Bildern als Basis genutzt, um meine eigene Interpretation der Form zu entwickeln. Dabei ging es mir nie um das Thema Tod und Sterblichkeit an sich, sondern um die Form. Eine Form, die in… Skulls – Artworks 2000 – 2017 weiterlesen
Kategorie: Dotting
FARBTUNNEL – Einzelausstellung im Caffe Cultura in Bonn-Beuel
Der Künstler aus Bonn an der Nadel Vom 09. März bis 31. Mai 2016 stellt der Bonner Künstler Tobias Sylvester Vierneisel aktuelle „Dotting“-Aquarelle im Caffe Cultura in Bonn-Beuel aus. Die mit Hilfe von medizinischen Spritzen und Tuschefedern kreierten Aquarellgrafiken zeichnen sich durch illustrative, organisch-abstrahierte Motive in einer feinlinigen und akribischen Darstellung aus. Die Technik „Dotting“… FARBTUNNEL – Einzelausstellung im Caffe Cultura in Bonn-Beuel weiterlesen
Dotting Art – an individual and unique painting / illustration technique
For my Dotting artwork I use syringes for applying colour I developed Dotting as a painting technique in 2015. What began just as an idea in my mind has become a perfection orientated process based on first artworks and sketches. The technique Dotting requires above all three things: patience, sensitivity and an ease of mind.The… Dotting Art – an individual and unique painting / illustration technique weiterlesen
First short video about my Dotting artwork
This video shows the speed painting of my last two Dotting artworks – FACE V1 and DRAGONFLY V1. I developed the unique painting and illustration technique during the last months. The important tools I use for it are medical injections.
Dotting Art – eine individuelle und einzigartige Illustrationstechnik
Medizinische Spritzen als grafisches Werkzeug für den Farbauftrag Dotting als Illustrationstechnik habe ich 2015 entwickelt. Was als Idee angefangen hatte, ist auf Basis von ersten Arbeiten und Studien heute zu einem perfektionsorientierten Prozess geworden. Insbesondere drei Dinge erfordert die Technik Dotting: Geduld, Feingefühl und innere Ruhe. Das besondere an Dotting ist das künstlerische Werkzeug, das… Dotting Art – eine individuelle und einzigartige Illustrationstechnik weiterlesen
Another Dotting artwork using medical enjections
This is the other final version of a new Dotting artwork called „Dragonfly“ V1 (V1 means it is the first version). A dragonfly has no detailed structure, just maybe the wings so I had to find a structure for the central body that hamonizes with the wings and their structure. The wings were much more… Another Dotting artwork using medical enjections weiterlesen
New final Dotting artwork using medical enjections
I finished two new Dotting artworks a few days ago and this is the first one called „FACE“ V1 (V1 means first Version of a FACE). This is the first time I use my unique illustration technique for a human representation. Finding the perfect structure for the Dotting technique is always a complex process and… New final Dotting artwork using medical enjections weiterlesen
Dotting abstract 5
A new Dotting idea
Cross Dotting – Watercolour and digital
Warrior V1 is the new dotting painting
It is not the final version as I’m still working on the dotting process and there are parts that are not perfect in this version. The difficult part is to connect two dots of colour but if the distance between two dots is too far the effect is that the connection is not fluent.
Skull V1
I went on focusing on organic ideas and usted a drawing I made a few months ago. The first version of a „dotted“ skull was finished today. Dotting as a technique means in every case to find a structure and this makes it difficult during the whole process. Another version is planned and maybe also… Skull V1 weiterlesen
New Dotting picture
Dotting – a new painting technique
In 2015 I started a new technique which I call “Dotting”. I’m still experimenting with it as there are different factors influencing the look of a picture and the composition. I tried ink and watercolor as I thoungt that the transparency of these colours are perfect for the technique. The first picture I made was… Dotting – a new painting technique weiterlesen